Monday, January 3, 2011

Best of 2010: Movies

There were a lot of great movies this year. It was a tough decision, but over all I'll have to say that the best movie I saw this year was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

This movie fired on all cylinders for me. Great visuals, Excellent sound effects and music, the acting was great. Not only did I believe that these kids were actually Canadian hipsters, but the new Superman, Brandon Routh as a pretty boy vegan douche bag and an uncredited Thomas Jayne as one of the Vegan Police actually stole the show for me. Most of all, I loved the little things littered through the movie such as the pop and gaming culture references.

I had not read the 6-part graphic novel series when I saw the movie, but I went out an bought all 6 almost immediately afterward.

I have to say that Edgar Wright did an amazing job of adapting the source material. Brian Lee O'Malley  must be extremely proud.

I especially like how the movie handled the ending, because at the time the movie was filming, the conclusion to he books had not been written yet.

In all, This is one of those movies that I see myself watching over and over again much like 'A New Hope' and 'Back To The Future'. Not bad company to be in, in my opinion.

I did also see Inception this year. don't get me wrong, I loved that movie too, but it lacks the 'instant classic' status that this movie does for people that grew up during my generation.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, you should.

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